sexing baby chick


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2022
hello i was given a momma and a couple of her babies from a family friend. i'm pretty sure this one is a rooster but not for sure. they are 3 weeks old. what do you think?
They say you won't really know until it crows. Which means you have another 10-17 weeks to find out for sure! That baby may just be a day or two older and, therefore, more progressed.
They say you won't really know until it crows. Which means you have another 10-17 weeks to find out for sure! That baby may just be a day or two older and, therefore, more progressed.
what breed do you think it is cause the mommy is a sliky chicken but daddy isn't
The first chick looks like a cockerel and the other two look like pullets! Do you have a picture of their mommy? That might be able to help me figure out what breeds they are. :D

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