Sexing barred rock/ buff Plymouth chicks


In the Brooder
May 31, 2020


Hi all, I have 2 barred rocks and 1 buff plymouth... they will be 4 weeks old this coming week. Can either be sexed? I'm pretty upset thinking that my 2 barred are cockerels as my oldest daughter and I were hoping to have a "zebra chicken" hen 😔 the other is a buff Plymouth and I have no idea on sexing it. Any help would be appreciated!!!
The barred ones do appear to be roosters to me, based on size of their combs at that age. Barred Rocks can be sexed as baby chicks fairly reliably. The males will have more or a wider white/yellow patch in the tops of their heads than pullets, and also as they grow the males will be a lighter shade and have more wider barring pattern. Females will be darker and closer barring pattern

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