Sexing barred Rocks based on leg color?

I think the first one is a girl. Dark leg wash, smaller white dot. And small comb. The other one has a taller stance, is lighter, wider head spot, and bigger comb. So roo for the second one.
I saw someone say something similar about beak spots in another thread. Is it true that dark spots on the beak indicate a hen in BRs?
In just a few weeks, the males and females are noticeably different. The cockerels are flashy, bright white bars and greyish background, while the females look dark and more mottled with small white bars (dots).

The cockerels are also very quick to sprout little pink-red combs and wattles. The pullets comb will remain dull yellow. Those features are more reliable and side by side, at 4-5 weeks, the difference is startling.

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You cannot sex barred rocks by leg color. You must take into account the color of the down, size & shape of the head spot, AND the leg color to accurately sex barred rock chicks.

Females would have dark black down, small and well defined head spot, and a dark wash down the legs, BUT males can have this too. Fred's photo is a GREAT example of the differences in barred rock chicks.
The second two are definitely cockerels. There's a chance the first one is a pullet based on the tight head spot, but it is still a bit too silvery in color for comfort. Wash on the legs is not as reliable an indicator as the compactness of the head spot and coloration.
I only have one left, it was the only one without a huge comb that was not pink. Here "she" is.

week and half ago

few days ago

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