Sexing Barred Rocks

I have 2 Barred Rocks that are 2 weeks old today. Would anyone be able to tell what they are yet? I realize it's too late for the spot on their heads to be any help, but what about the feathers. They are both getting feathers, but seem to be feathering out at different rates and the feathers look different. To me anyway. And one of them has several white primary feathers.... is that normal? I didn't check the other one for the white primaries.

Let me know if pics would be helpful at this age. Thank you!!! :jumpy
put him on craigslist. Sometimes Hens cockadoodledooo tooo lol

that is very true when I first got my c hickens I had 3 hens (2 polish and 1 pekin) and a cockeral (orpington) but at the time we tjought that one of the girls was a boy because it was very cocky to the actual cockeral and sometimes crowed (and the fact that is was the taller polish didn't help it ) then one day I saw it mating with the cockerel (but I didn't think much of this since they will sometimes do this) and lay a egg which was a big surprise
picture update of my 2 barred rocks almost 3 weeks old
I enjoy all these. Anyone want to take a guess on these two 18-day-olds?

Chicken 1


Chick 2

And if you suspect either, explain why?


(Maybe I can get better pic tomorrow?)
We tried our best to look at these threads before attempting to pick a couple pullets from a straight run. Anybody have any guesses yet as to how we faired? And could you suggest why you suspect one or the other? Thanks.

Chick 1

Chick 2

overhead shot of the "flock"

Thanks for any help. I can get more specific or even better pics tomorrow if needed.

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