Sexing Barred Rocks

Just picked up these 4 today. Supposed to be 2 weeks. Any guesses on gender


Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 4

Last edited:
Just picked up these 4 today. Supposed to be 2 weeks. Any guesses on gender I'm still learning, but I would say chick 1 and 2 female . 3 and 4 males. But like I said I'm still learning do I could be wrong


Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 4

I have a couple too, but my pictures aren't nearly as good. :/ It's hard to tell in the pictures, but one has clearer barring and one is more mottled.. and the mottled one has a longer tail. They are 3.5 weeks old.

#1 clearer barring, shorter tail


#2 mottled markings, longer tail


So are they old enough to tell, and are the pictures good enough? Thanks!
help I really really pray this is not a male. Cause I already have two and will be heart broken to find d out my favorite is. Roo

I'm curious to see what folks have to say. I have two BR and they look different from one another. Making me think one is a cockerel. :/ Ugh. One has a longish tail and the other is a good bit shorter. Idk if that has anything to do with gender or not. I guess time will tell.
I'm curious to see what folks have to say. I have two BR and they look different from one another. Making me think one is a cockerel. :/ Ugh. One has a longish tail and the other is a good bit shorter. Idk if that has anything to do with gender or not. I guess time will tell.
they say it's coloring and leg coloring. I don't know the difference since all three of mine are yellow legs with black splash just be nice if you get what you paid for I paid extra to have mine sexed but I got a feeling they are right


Crappy pictures. But j have 4 almost 3 week br. Anyone wanna take a jab at roo to pullet ratio?


Yeah, I'd have to have better pics than that to take a stab, more down on their level.

help I really really pray this is not a male. Cause I already have two and will be heart broken to find d out my favorite is. Roo

Not the best pics either but from what I do see, I'm feeling pullet-y.
they say it's coloring and leg coloring. I don't know the difference since all three of mine are yellow legs with black splash just be nice if you get what you paid for I paid extra to have mine sexed but I got a feeling they are right

Hmm, well, as far as coloring, mine look different. Which makes me wonder too. I haven't paid much attention to the leg colors. Pics of mine are up in post 693. If anyone wants to take a guess. I need to do another round of pictures.

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