Sexing chicken eggs

I wish it was possible to sex eggs, but I'm afraid it's not. I've heard this myth so many times, I decided to pay attention to the eggs I set, to see if there's any truth to it. Well, I've hatched hens from pointy eggs and cockerels from round eggs, so we'll just have to take what we get
The problem with this myth, other than persistent ignorance, is that each individual hen tends to lay one shape of egg. One hen will always lay pointed eggs, while another will always lay round eggs. If this myth were true, then one hen would always lay hens and another would always lay roos. To be honest, that would be awesome! You could select for hens that only lay hens!
Sounds like somebody is trying to jack up the price of their hatching eggs. There is no way to determine the sex of an egg...that would kind of be like looking at a pregnant woman and knowing if the child is a boy or a girl.
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