Sexing Ducks At 17 Weeks???? Making Me Nuttier Than Usual! Please?


Rest in Peace 1956-2011
Aug 25, 2008
Hello duck nuts!

I have 3 Mallards and 1 Khaki Campbell. All are 17 weeks. I am going a bit crazier than usual because I can't tell who is what. Every time I get within earshot and can SEE them.... they all shut up. I have tried spying with binoculars, sending DH out while I quack from the porch, sitting out by them for hours..... all to no avail.

I haven't had any ducks for 20 years or more, anyone want to take a guess, please?

Thanks for any ideas/suggestions!




Forgot to say, no curly tail feathers evident yet.
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Best is to corner them and pick them up one at a time. Trust me they will scream and you will hear a raspy hissing sound from the boys, while the girls will produce a very loud rack-rack-rack quack.

Oh forgot at that age all the boys should have a curly feather at their rear.
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Hmmm.... cornering them will be tough, I don't walk, much less lunge real well! I have already had close contact with duck mud - could be the next secret anti-aging cream! Since I live in Hollywood, SC, I could say it's the latest beauty secret from Hollywood!

If they are all girls, it will be a miracle - I have a real talent for hatching and/or picking out roos! It'll ruin my reputation,

I am sure on the age and lack of curled tail feathers though. Wow, it would be wonderful to have all hens!

Thanks for the help!
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They all look like mallards. I don't see a Khaki Campbell in the bunch.
Based on bill coloring I would say all girls.

They should be quacking loud and clear by now.
Mallard drakes tend to have green bills.
Mallard ducks tend to have mottled yellow and greenish brown bills.

Looking again at the pics, I see the Khaki and it might be a drake because of the darker brown head, though it also looks like a mix.
ACK! QUACK! That's the only one who quacks like crazy.... I think. A mix of what do you think? They all came from Mt. Healthy via TSC.

If they are all females, I will be astounded!

ETA, once I saw the Khaki/whoever quack like crazy. Only once. The others are very quiet, that's one reason I am so confused!
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