Sexing Easter Eggers

Thank you for the specifics. I do appreciate all the info! I have another blue EE and knew from his comb and attitude very early on. But he is uniformally light blue with no variation? Very different from the top photo so I really was hoping that one was a girl!
Light, uniform blue sounds more like a Lavender.
Have a go at my EE's........

I have 3 that are over 5 weeks now. They all seem to be feathering the same rate, one just a hair slower than the others. So here are the pics

I will start off with my favorite, Rooster. I named this one Rooster because I thought that if I did it would turn out to be a pullet. I have doubts about this one over my other two. Has a bit of a strutty personality and loves to preene.

Rooster's feathers a a bit behind the others but not as much as some of the pics I have seen of roos.

However, has the smallest comb of the 3.

Now this is Gidget. Pretty sure she is a pullet. Has a bit of a splotchy pattern and brown patches but seems to be the same on both sides.

No name on this one yet but we are working on it. I think this one is a pullet as well

Have a go at my EE's........

I have 3 that are over 5 weeks now. They all seem to be feathering the same rate, one just a hair slower than the others. So here are the pics

I will start off with my favorite, Rooster. I named this one Rooster because I thought that if I did it would turn out to be a pullet. I have doubts about this one over my other two. Has a bit of a strutty personality and loves to preene.

Rooster's feathers a a bit behind the others but not as much as some of the pics I have seen of roos.

However, has the smallest comb of the 3.

Now this is Gidget. Pretty sure she is a pullet. Has a bit of a splotchy pattern and brown patches but seems to be the same on both sides.

No name on this one yet but we are working on it. I think this one is a pullet as well

I'm a bit suspicious of no name. But still a bit too early to be certain of anything.
I have 4 EE's all together. One is only 3 weeks and that is why I didnt post a pic. On that one feather pattern says pullet but comb is more cockerel. I will post again when the older ones hit 8 weeks. I hope to have at least 2 hens out of 4.


Need help with this one. (About 12 weeks old)

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