Sexing Eggs Experiment

Some info I have learned:

Newly laying pullets lay more males
More females hatch in colder months
Hens are like people and some lay all boys, some lay all girls, some lay equals of both, and some lay more of one or the other
There are some males that have turned female in the egg in a small window of time during incubation that will lay all females in the future. There are some adult hens that obtain a blocked ovaduct that will turn roo and possibly fertilize hens with all female chicks. I dont know what is true and what is not since I've only had chickens approximately 3 and half years but I am very interested in this topic and other's input.
I know all to well the accuratecy of the telephone line locators, cut quite a few myself.

One last word on the ideomotor effect. This effect assumes that the person doing the witching knows where, what they are looking for is located. Be it by mental observation or some other type of clue. If a person doesnt know or have a clue where a pipe, wire, or buried stake is supposed to be, yet is still able to find it using the witching method, the ideomotor effect doesnt explain how or why they selected the spot to look for the item. Of course try explaining to the telephone company why their wires werent where they said they where can be pretty hard to explain as well.

This was the last post from the original posts in the subject. I never found of the OP ever
Posted the results of her experiment.

I'm going to try it this go around. I'm setting at least 100 eggs.

As far as the pendulum goes you can us a string with a sewing needle or anything that will hold something that will swing freely
I'm using an insulin needle stuck thru a big rubber band and stuck into a pencil eraser. It worked fir sexing our kids, so I'm using it for the eggs.

Okay let the jokes come. I'm just seeing for myself anyway. I know a lady that swears. By the rounded bad pointy egg thing. I can't really tell a difference in the shape of the egg until I started this and after ( witching) the egg I looked and seen a very slight difference in the round or pointy eggs, I used it on the eggs that I knew came from a certain hen.
Any luck with this?? My dad showed me this an I thought he was making it move, so he gave me the pendulum, I was not making it move an sure enough it moved an moved different for some of the eggs, so now this experiment is on my to do list.
Haven't seen any results from these doing the testing.
Years ago I used the needle and thread to tell what sex child I was having, all 3 times said a boy and that's what I had.
I've recently tried the magnet hung from yarn method on my darkest Marans eggs, it circled for about 40% for Hen and went back and forth for 50% Rooster and 10% didn't do anything so I opened the no shows and found these weren't fertile.
I then sent 34 eggs with a friend to incubate yesterday only sending girl eggs. Fingers crossed she hatches all girls.

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