Sexing Eggs Experiment

So, I guess the ones that sit on the couch watching NASCAR with a hand in their underwear and the other holding a beer are boys??

Really, I was told that just like Alligators and Crocodiles.. The temp with influence the development of the sexes. Increased temp is male, decreased is female..
I never tried it, But again.. could be an OWT too (Old Wives tale)

No Offense, but that is a bunch of crock. I can take two steel, copper, brass or other metal rods, bend them to from a handhold with the majority of the rods sticking straight out and the L end being held in my fist. Then I can walk over a given area to find a lost metal corner stake, buried underground with no visible clues as to its exact whereabouts. When I approach the buried post, the metal rods in my hand will turn toward each other until they cross. I can mark the spot this happens and then approach the same area from a different direction and again the rods in my hand will move in a similar manner as before and mark that spot, do this again from another direction and the results will be the same. Now dig down into the ground and you will find the long lost corner post. Its works every time and so far has been 100% accurate. Want to find a buried water or electric line, use the same method and again I have had 100% positive results. This I have done time and time again and the reason for me to use this method is because i dont have a clue as to where the object I am looking for is buried. So as for "It involves unconscious movements by the experimenter's own hand that causes a pendulum, dowsing rod, or Ouija Board planchette to move in the manner expected by the experimenter". This would assume I knew where the item I was looking for was located and I knew where to look. The fact is, if I knew where the items where located, I wouldnt need to find them in the first place. Just because science cant explain it doesnt mean its some psychological phenomenon.

When developing a piece of property with a partner, we had to drill a well. My partner, like many, didnt believe in the power of witching a well and choose to let the drilling company choose the site. They drilled a hole 300 ft deep and no water. They then decided to move to the opposite end of the property and drill another well, again no water. We paid for 2 dry holes. I then got my rods and started walking the property and found what I thought was a good source of water. The drillers set up and hit water at 200ft, 4+ gal a minute. I then proceeded to locate another well site for my partner on another piece of property and it was also 200ft deep and produced 20gal a minute. My aunts well is 160ft deep and has 14 gal a minute, also found with water witching, she did it herself. You can call it luck, a psychological phenomenon, voodoo, or whatever. I dont believe it is some supernatural ability or orgin and I dont know why it works, but you cant convince me it doesnt work. As for the Ouija Board, I have never tried it and dont have an opinion.

No Offense, "but that is a bunch of crock." I can take two steel, copper, brass or other metal rods, bend them to from a handhold with the majority of the rods sticking straight out and the L end being held in my fist. Then I can walk over a given area to find a lost metal corner stake, buried underground with no visible clues as to its exact whereabouts. When I approach the buried post, the metal rods in my hand will turn toward each other until they cross. I can mark the spot this happens and then approach the same area from a different direction and again the rods in my hand will move in a similar manner as before and mark that spot, do this again from another direction and the results will be the same. Now dig down into the ground and you will find the long lost corner post. Its works every time and so far has been 100% accurate. Want to find a buried water or electric line, use the same method and again I have had 100% positive results. This I have done time and time again and the reason for me to use this method is because i dont have a clue as to where the object I am looking for is buried. So as for "It involves unconscious movements by the experimenter's own hand that causes a pendulum, dowsing rod, or Ouija Board planchette to move in the manner expected by the experimenter". This would assume I knew where the item I was looking for was located and I knew where to look. The fact is, if I knew where the items where located, I wouldnt need to find them in the first place. Just because science cant explain it doesnt mean its some psychological phenomenon.

When developing a piece of property with a partner, we had to drill a well. My partner, like many, didnt believe in the power of witching a well and choose to let the drilling company choose the site. They drilled a hole 300 ft deep and no water. They then decided to move to the opposite end of the property and drill another well, again no water. We paid for 2 dry holes. I then got my rods and started walking the property and found what I thought was a good source of water. The drillers set up and hit water at 200ft, 4+ gal a minute. I then proceeded to locate another well site for my partner on another piece of property and it was also 200ft deep and produced 20gal a minute. My aunts well is 160ft deep and has 14 gal a minute, also found with water witching, she did it herself. You can call it luck, a psychological phenomenon, voodoo, or whatever. I dont believe it is some supernatural ability or orgin and I dont know why it works, but you cant convince me it doesnt work. As for the Ouija Board, I have never tried it and dont have an opinion.

It's called the ideomotor effect. This is a well-documented psychological phenomenon that's been tested and retested extensively. It involves unconscious movements by the experimenter's own hand that causes a pendulum, dowsing rod, or Ouija Board

Just luck of the draw, been prove ....witching doesn't work either, no more than a witch can turn a person into a frog.

Oh yes checking a egg with this way would be alot cheaper than setting a egg for 21 days, or time it takes to vent sex. Its just doesn't work reason hatcheries don't use it.
To use the unconscious movements by the experimenters own hand to find something that they dont know is there, of if there, its exact location, would meant the experimenter knows where to look for what they are seeking. This argument doesnt wash or hold water. I realize there are many doubting Thomas's out there and you are undoubtably one. Thats OK, its not my place to convert you into a believer. Lots of folks are still looking for proof that God exists and havent found the answers they are looking for. Sometimes you just have to go with your faith and what you believe. I have never been wrong witching so I am either very lucky or there is more to it than what you choose to believe.

On the other hand, ever seen the telephone man looking for a buried phone line. The locator tool also works off of magnetic energy
Underground Cable Locator/Underground Utility Locator
Underground cable locator, buried cable locator, cable fault locator, and pipe cable locator from Amprobe, Armada, and Tempo Progressive Electronics. Magnetic Locator for iron and steel, fluid leaks and pipes or cables from Schonstedt Instrument Company. Radiodetection CAT 3 underground cable and pipe locator to find underground energized and de-energized wires, cables and pipes
To use the unconscious movements by the experimenters own hand to find something that they dont know is there, of if there, its exact location, would meant the experimenter knows where to look for what they are seeking. This argument doesnt wash or hold water. I realize there are many doubting Thomas's out there and you are undoubtably one. Thats OK, its not my place to convert you into a believer. Lots of folks are still looking for proof that God exists and havent found the answers they are looking for. Sometimes you just have to go with your faith and what you believe. I have never been wrong witching so I am either very lucky or there is more to it than what you choose to believe.

On the other hand, ever seen the telephone man looking for a buried phone line. The locator tool also works off of magnetic energy
Underground Cable Locator/Underground Utility Locator
Underground cable locator, buried cable locator, cable fault locator, and pipe cable locator from Amprobe, Armada, and Tempo Progressive Electronics. Magnetic Locator for iron and steel, fluid leaks and pipes or cables from Schonstedt Instrument Company. Radiodetection CAT 3 underground cable and pipe locator to find underground energized and de-energized wires, cables and pipes

Yes they have a good reason to work, but they have maps to these underground lines too. a stick or copper wire is has no power ,or the witch.

Even then they miss also, i know because i cut thru telephone line marked by them, i was digging the hole 6 ft from area marked.
I know all to well the accuratecy of the telephone line locators, cut quite a few myself.

One last word on the ideomotor effect. This effect assumes that the person doing the witching knows where, what they are looking for is located. Be it by mental observation or some other type of clue. If a person doesnt know or have a clue where a pipe, wire, or buried stake is supposed to be, yet is still able to find it using the witching method, the ideomotor effect doesnt explain how or why they selected the spot to look for the item. Of course try explaining to the telephone company why their wires werent where they said they where can be pretty hard to explain as well.
Okay. Eggs are set. 34 Rhode IsandRred and 8 Frizzle mix eggs, total of of 42. I checked all my eggs using a magnet on a string and put only the eggs that got a circle reponse (female) in the incubator. The others will be eaten.

So all 42 eggs should be pullets. Once they hatch I will use the magnet again to see what results I get. And then in about 4 weeks after hatch I should be able to tell the sex visually.

Someone mentioned temperature affecting sex of chicks, such as in reptiles. This is not the case with chicken eggs. Sex is determined at the time of "conception" and the embryo is either male or female in the fertile egg even before incubation.

Count down begins...

What is the result to this experiment ???
as for the witching for water, I can honestly say that it has nothing to do with the hand of the whitcher, my cousin Frank is a well driller and I have seen first hand the stick (apple works best) bend in his hand with such a draw that it pealed the bark off the branch, and rawed his hands. after I had drilled for a few months with him it worked for me too, there is no tilt of the hands or wrist involved.

as to the sexing of eggs, I have heard that when candeling the eggs the position of the speck on top, or on the side , can reveal the gender. any thoughts?

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