sexing golden manchurian coturnix


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 14, 2008
Santa Cruz Mtns, CA
I have a dozen coturnix quail which are about 4.5weeks old. Seven are normal colored, and its easy to tell the males from the females. I also have four "golden manchurian" and one "tibetan" - I have no idea how to sex these guys.. all the manchurians look more or less the same.

Thanks for any help - I'm thrilled to have found this forum!

Hi There!!!

First off:::

secondly, I can't help ya much on the sexing front. However it will be good for me to learn from this post the answers you get so I can't wait!!! I have Pharoah, and Jumbos (i think they're all normals, however the jumbos may have some goldens in them if I read some of Sams *the breeder I got them from* post correctly). So this will be a learning experience for me, esp since i plan to get other colors soon.


edited because, I needed to say that they are Eggs right now...soon to hatch though.
over 70 pharoahs, and 25 jumbos.
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With the Goldens I sex them the same as my Jumbo Browns.....females will have black speckled breasts...males will have golden/salmon colored breasts and brown faces.
Tibettans...I'm waiting for mine to crow or lay an egg.
Good Luck!
Thanks guys,

I will try to post a good picture of them side-by-side when they show that coloring - or maybe I have all females (hah - I wish)!


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