In the Brooder
I need help/advice that can help me distinguish the genders of my bunnies. I have a supposed male and female according to the breeder. But now I checked their genitalia and I cannot tell what the genders are. I am thinking that they may be reversed of the genders we thought they were.
I was wondering if anyone has advice on sexing and what appearance/behavior male and female bunnies have. I can attach pictures later if needed. The supposed female does seem very active and friendly. But the supposed male is smaller than the female, which is a sign confirming it is male though. Any help or advice is appreciated!
I was wondering if anyone has advice on sexing and what appearance/behavior male and female bunnies have. I can attach pictures later if needed. The supposed female does seem very active and friendly. But the supposed male is smaller than the female, which is a sign confirming it is male though. Any help or advice is appreciated!