Sexing Muscovy ducklings WITHOUT VENT METHOD


6 Years
Dec 7, 2013
Bristol, United Kingdom
This is my first time with Muscovy ducks. I used to have chickens but I went travelling in Canada for 4 months leaving my chickens with my housemates, who forgot to shut the coop door and inevitably, a fox got the lot. I was crushed.

BUT now I have 3 gorgeous babies, I bought them from a breeder not far away who was incredibly passionate about ducks.
I work from home so on my 'breaks' I let the ducklings on the lawn in a puppy cage, complete with mini bath, ramp and shelter.
Turns out I have 2 boys and 1 girl, I've been watching them quite intensely and now I definitely know for sure boys from girls. And seeing as vent sexing is so intrusive and potentially harmful, I thought I'd share what I'd learned :)

A part from facial features, I have also noticed:

* Boys have thick legs, with very thick 'knees' and wider feet
* Their bodies are longer and fatter
* They eat more, they're more confident, slightly more tame (female seems more cautious and timid)

So this is Charlie, I will eventually sell him when he's a bit older, as I can't have 2 boys and only 1 girl.

MALE: Note long, thick beak and long, oval head.

MALE: This is Ralph (I will be keeping him as I believe he is unrelated to my female)
Same face shape as Charlie...same silly grin hehe :)

FEMALE: And this is my little girl, Minnie.
She has a small round face with big cheeks, a slim, delicate beak that slopes downwards.

I have also drawn a comparison of the two, as my photos aren't very clear due to them all being in different lights & positions
(they squirm a lot!)

Hope this helps :)
Hi there! :) I've been trying to get Quackers' sexed for a while now. "He's" about 6 weeks old & I still can't figure it out lol. After comparing your pictures I do see what your talking about. From the look of it (I could be wrong) but it looks as if Minnie has a bigger hook on her beak. Am I seeing it right? Lol. Adorable ducklings & nice drawings by the way. :)
Hi there! :) I've been trying to get Quackers' sexed for a while now. "He's" about 6 weeks old & I still can't figure it out lol. After comparing your pictures I do see what your talking about. From the look of it (I could be wrong) but it looks as if Minnie has a bigger hook on her beak. Am I seeing it right? Lol. Adorable ducklings & nice drawings by the way. :)

Yeh I'm not sure. It might just be the angle I took the photo from.
But do you want to post some photos of Quackers up here and I'll have a look too? I'm dying to see now! :)
Lol sure here's one when he was about the age yours are now:


Here's recent ones:


:lau oh boy! Legs of a female and head of a boy.

About 6 weeks, give or take. When we first got Quackers they said s/he was "a couple of weeks old". Then last week I was told from someone on here that they lied to me lol. That Quackers was only a couple days, at most a week old when we got him. We got him on August 2nd, so this Saturday it'll make 6 weeks that we've had him.
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