Sexing-My predictions.

That doesnt always work either, wing sexing has to be bred for and it these birds are from a hatchery, it may be possible, as my Buffs and SLWs that I got from a hatchery could pretty well be wing sexed ( though I did have the hatchery sex them and kept the sexes separate, and the pullets grew longer wings and the males were shorter) But if they arent bred for it it wont work, like my Speckled Sussex and most of all the other breeds I raise myself, some will grow longer and some will grow shorter, but when they grow out there will be some of both sexes and the wing feathering rates has no correlation with the sex of the chicks in this case.

I'm not talking about the length of the feathers. Wing sexing is done by the identifing the feather pattern on the primary wing, roos feathers are next to always in a straight line, length doesn't matter. Pullets usually are uneven with two layers. Its worked on all the chickens I have so far and I have buff orpington, black giants. game bantam mix, and several more I have hatched that are just mixed and pretty. All of them we hatched or bought 2-3 days old for that purpose. So pippy chicken if you don't mind posting a picture of the wings spred let me give it a shot and you can decide if it works.

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