Sexing my silkies - This one COULD be easy...


Feb 24, 2013
So heres my two ten week old silkies. I'm pretty sure Rusty is a boy and so I'm hoping that means Furgi is a girl! They came from the same place but prob didnt have the same parents. Here goes:


Then Rusty with his amazing head gear:

And then a couple photos of them togethe

Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks! :)
I just got 4 silkies straight run a few weeks ago. From what I have been reading, it is suggested that the males have almost like slicked back hair, where as the girls have a rounded puff ball on their head. Boys will have larger wadels and a bigger comb. Since your silkies are older than mine, please reply once you find out, and let me know if any of these signs are true.
Yeah I've read that too and felt like both mine seemed a bit more slicked back when they were younger, so maybe it more applies when their older! I think when they were tiny I felt like one had a feminine face and the other a boyish face, sounds weird but my friend agreed and its seeming I may have one of each indeed! I will reply when I get my crowing and or eggs and know fir sure! Though I have also read silkie hens sometimes crow too! :p
And jacqueocs yes they are sooooo cute! I think every backyard flock needs a silkie for entertainment and cuteness!
I just got 4 silkies straight run a few weeks ago. From what I have been reading, it is suggested that the males have almost like slicked back hair, where as the girls have a rounded puff ball on their head. Boys will have larger wadels and a bigger comb. Since your silkies are older than mine, please reply once you find out, and let me know if any of these signs are true.

Hi there,

So my little Rusty has started crowing (he started at 12 weeks!). Furgie hasn't laid an egg yet lol, but she definitely has a nice little pom pom shape on her head now (whereas in the photo she still has somewhat of a slicked back look) and I'm pretty confident she's a girl. Rusty started getting his wattles around 7-8 weeks and they developed rapidly from then on whereas Furgi still has no real signs of wattles or a a larger comb. I can post pics of how they look at 13 weeks if you like?

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