Sexing Peachicks

In Indian blues, males will have burnt sienna red on flight feathers, were females have a spotty brown.
What about on white ones? I just got my first peachick and it's a white one. 'He's' 4 days old right now. Will it be 4 months or more before I can tell? By the way, any tips or helpful hints on raising 'him' will be greatly appreciated. Is there a link or something with basic care of peachicks? He's with 2 baby turkeys right now. Thanks!!
What about pieds? Is it a year on them also? I'm getting a 4 day old pied on Thur. I'm also wondering if there's a good link or something where I can find out the best care/feeding for them? I've heard they're very fragile and I certainly don't want to lose one of them.
If it is a regular pied you should be able to sex them just like and India Blue. If it is a silver pied then you might have to wait until they are one like whites.
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