Sexing poults by shape of poop

Does anyone know about being able to sex poults by the shape of their droppings? A local turkey lady said you can tell....males poop in the shape of a j, females a plop.
The two turkeys in the yard do have different shaped poop, and the little boy (I can tell now because he's displaying) has "j" shaped and the girl is ploppy
Hi @Jen E!
I just wanted to let you know that the original poster of this thread hasn't been online if quite a few years.
The two turkeys in the yard do have different shaped poop, and the little boy (I can tell now because he's displaying) has "j" shaped and the girl is ploppy.
There is a lot of misinformation posted in the early replies to this thread. When poults or adults are dropping solid poops, yes they can be an indication of the sex of the turkey.

Toms can and do make straight line or J shaped droppings. Hens do make their droppings in a pile. This method only applies to turkeys and not to any other types of poultry.

This method will not work if the droppings are watery and loose.

However the fact that your little boy is displaying does not guarantee it is a male. Both hens and toms can and do display (strut). It does not mean it isn't male, just not a guarantee that it is male.

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