Sexing question


12 Years
Apr 30, 2007
North Carolina
I was just watching cute chick videos on youtube and came across this, from the discovery channel:

that video, I heard something I'd never known before. (Remember I'm pretty new to all this, so it could be completely well-known LOL) They're sexing the chicks by looking at the two rows of feathers. If the rows are different lengths, it's a female. Same length, male. How accurate is that?

I'm just very intrigued by this because I hadn't heard it before. I know some people are able to just 'look' at a chick and know, but I thought that was more down to experience and trial/error in the past.
Wow, amazing any of them come out alive. Poor things.
I got 5 pullet chicks and one turned out to be a roo. I don't think those are the best odds. But it's better than straight run.
They are pretty rough with them, yes. It's a bit hard to see. No wonder they're so pooped out by the time they get to us.

Thanks for the answers. I know it's never really foolproof, I ended up with a roo last year. I suppose if doing it at home it's a better chance than doing nothing
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