Sexing Sebastopols


11 Years
Nov 24, 2008
Little Rhody
I was recently fortunate enough to buy 3 young adult Sebastopols at a livestock auction. Is there any way to determine the sex of them without vent sexing them? Are there any subtle physical differences, or sound or behavior patterns to watch for?

I'm new to geese and wouldn't know how to vent sex if someone had a gun to my head. Thanks in advance for any help.
How old are they? Males,of course tend to be larger with thicker necks. Females have lower voices. There are lots of behavioral differences, HOWEVER until they are comfortable in their new home and with you, it's a guessing game. If you have a mix you may pick up the differences, if you have all of one sex you won't know until spring. Enjoy them! They are the best!

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