Sexing the Brahma breed, (standard size, Light Brahma)

I hit on your more recent thread about sexing brahmas and replyed with questions. I was wondering the same as above...why is my Light Brahma chick so slow to there something wrong with it? Eats, drink, poos just fine, but no feathers only fuzz at 10 days. After reading both these threads....I bracing for a roo.
In your first picture I think you have a pullet on the left and a cockeral on the right. In the 2nd set of pics inside the coop, the brahma in the center I say is a male.
In a different thread about Light Brahmas a while ago, someone posted the link below. It is about feather differences in young chicks. I found the differences to hold true for my very small sample size of 3 Light Brahmas. She talks about a couple of different breeds, but a few posts down there is a good picture illustrating the difference between cockerels and pullets at a few weeks of age.,26745.0.html
Thanks for all the info on the Brahama breed on a pullet or a cockerel. I have come to the conclusion I have a pullet
I read
all the threads here and still have a question about sexing the light brahma. I have a chick that is about 10 weeks old (roughly) and seems very rooster like.
Was it determined that the "puff ball" tail feathers are pullets? I certainly don't see any pointed tail feathers on my chick. Just puff ball. I am just starting to see more on the comb and I can't tell if it is narrow or wider. It is starting to come in now.
Thanks. He/she is a very sweet bird and I would hate to get rid of "it" if he was a "he"
But I am almost positive he is a rooster. His behavior tells a lot. I was also wondering if the other one (silver laced) is a hen.
They are bonded and she seems to keep her head lower and he tends to look around a lot. She doesn't have the rose comb yet
I took a real good look at my Brahman and his comb is wider and coming in now.
When I get back from vacation I will post a picture (on Saturday or sunday)
Oh dear, I have the same problem-- don't know what sex my Brahma is-- but I don't have two to compare!! What are the "signs" if you only have one? I think if I had two it might be easier.... I got this one at TSC, and it was supposed to be a white leghorn. I did see a tiny bit of black, so that's why I picked him out of all the others.
Now I wish I knew what he was, esp as I have him in a coop with another full grown rooster. Hope that won't be a problem if he turns out to be a rooster too!!! Advice, anyone?
Oh dear, I have the same problem-- don't know what sex my Brahma is-- but I don't have two to compare!! What are the "signs" if you only have one? I think if I had two it might be easier.... I got this one at TSC, and it was supposed to be a white leghorn. I did see a tiny bit of black, so that's why I picked him out of all the others.
Now I wish I knew what he was, esp as I have him in a coop with another full grown rooster. Hope that won't be a problem if he turns out to be a rooster too!!! Advice, anyone?

How old?
Why don't you post a picture and I'll see if I can tell.

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