Sexing the Brahma breed, (standard size, Light Brahma)

Hi! I have two light brahma pulleta that are 4 weeks old. One is much bigger and has a larger and brighter beak/crest and more pronounced colors. Could she be a cockerel!?? What do you think?

The first photo is the hen in question next to her sister. The second photo is up close of her crest and third photo is her sister.


CI hatched this one light Brahma chick so I don't have others to compare. This chick is 7 weeks old. Any idea of it's sex? I really want to keep this chick but can't have roos. I don't want to get too attached if I can't keep it
I've posted pics on another thread and got varying opinions. I thought maybe someone on this thread would have a more experienced opinion.

Can anyone help me sex my three Buff Brahma's, they are currently 7 weeks. Two have really long tail feathers and the other has a very short almost stumpy feathers. They were from show quality stock. There is such a difference in tail feathers I thought maybe someone could tell me if they are roos or pullets? All their combs seem the same to me.

Here is a very early picture of the three of them. ...

Short tail feathers on one.

Very Long Tail Feathers

The two with very long tail feathers.
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Hiya all, I was wondering if you could sex this brahma chicken. Should be around 13-14 weeks.

many thanks!
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Hi all Brahma lovers, I have some 6+ months old yellow pyle Brahma - 4 hens and one cock. They have not lay any egg yet... is this usual For Brahma?
I know they are slow mature breed, like I didn't worry until now
could you tell me how late it could be?? Thx
So... I think I know the answer, but we have 4 week olds, two of which are light brahmas (from Mcmurray). Supposedly all hens, and actually I think 24 are hens. But number 25.... well I will post some photos and tell me what you think. Mary is lighter, developed her wings and tail much earlier, has nice soft chest feathers. Roo, aka "Martha" looked like a baby for much longer, has developed some very striking feathers, is still bare in spots, and has a teeny tiny tail. What do you think? Shall we change Martha's name to Roo?

First up is Mary - pretty sure she is a gal.

Difficult to get a good photo - she is very active! She is on the left in the last two photos. But she has soft feathering covering her chest and longer tail feathers. Her feet feathered out first also.

Now onto "Martha." Those wings and shoulders look like they are developing some sort of Klingon battle armour, but that body under the wings is pretty bare, cept for that little ridge in the middle that just developed.

For good measure, here's a few more. first has both ("Martha" in the front on left biting at the rear, Mary in the back left in front of the favorelle - not great photo, but you can see the different feathering). Then a couple of "Martha" or Roo who is also treated differently from the other chicks - none of those stretched neck stand offs, tends to be the first to explore, always up on the side of the brooder or sitting on our hands.

And lastly, this is them at about 2.5 weeks together. Mary is in the front both times, "Martha"/Roo in the back.

Verdict? Mary and Martha or Mary and Roo?

And since there's never enough cuteness, just for fun I'll include Sassy and Frass, our Delawares.

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