Shading the run


12 Years
Mar 6, 2011
I have an open run with chicken wire about 4 feet high. I want to make a shady cover, but I don't know how to go about it. I was thinking of using vines growing up to provide shade from the side and over head. Has anyone tried something like this? I really don't want to stretch my already limited building skills more than I have to and I don't want to end up with something that doesn't work.

Thanks in advance for advice and pictures!
I will get some pictures when I can and post them.

It is the framing that I'm most concerned about. We had a gazebo with a fabric top that used to cover part of the run, but in the last store, it ended up mangled in the neighbor's back we are trying to come up with something a bit more permanent without breaking the bank!
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We used corrugated steel roofing for the roof and sides. We are in the process of planting trees on that entire side of the house. We have 4 pine and one willow tree so far. We plan of many more pines, but it's a slow process.

Here's a photo of our run in the summer.

In the winter we cover in plastic! It keeps the ground from freezing inside and gives them more space! We heat the coop as well with a heater.

I've tried using a mesh tarp/shade cloth with no success, then a solid tarp. That didn't work either. The steel works best for us! Here is our old shading.

We free range and in the hot days, they stay in the woods by the swamp. It's pretty cool back there. We are also installing a fan in the coop and adding hardware cloth under the welded wire to keep the door open at night.
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i have an open topped run. i have trees around so i suspended a shade cloth, tying it to the trees. it works really great. my chickens would be in trouble without it.
Here is half of what we came up with:

We will be building another one just like it for the chicken side of our run. The ducks were lucky and got their shade shelter first. We are going to block off a section so that we can plant grapes and other vines to grow up the sides to provide more shade.

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