Shaking head


7 Years
Mar 27, 2017
My 5 year old, seemly healthy rooster is constantly shaking his head, scratching and yawning. He is eating and pooping ok, no mites, I don’t see anything down his throat. This has been going on for months. I’ve attached a picture and provided a YouTube video link of his behavior. Please watch the video.
Please any suggestions will be appreciated. He is the best rooster. His name is McCreamy. I also posted in behaviors.
YouTube link


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IS HIS NAME MCCREAMY AFTER GREYS ANATOMY? I love it. Hes beautiful. I dont have an answer though. :(

I suspect the smart people who will arrive later are going to ask what you feed him, including treats, and any supplements you provide in his water, to rule out any nutritional deficiencies.
His comb is scabbed. Is he getting pecked by others? I would check his crop to feel if it is hard or impacted, and check it first thing in the morning before he eats or drinks when it should be empty. Look inside his throat for any yellow plaques or mucus. It may be easier to grab him off the roost at night or earl morning before daylight. Head shaking can be a sign of mites, ear infection or mites, and sometimes a respiratory disease. Have you wormed your chickens? That might be something to do with Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer.
IS HIS NAME MCCREAMY AFTER GREYS ANATOMY? I love it. Hes beautiful. I dont have an answer though. :(

I suspect the smart people who will arrive later are going to ask what you feed him, including treats, and any supplements you provide in his water, to rule out any nutritional deficiencies.
Yes, lol, I love greys anatomy. Thank you.

I would be devastated if I lost him. He is so good to my hens and a very nice rooster.
His comb is scabbed. Is he getting pecked by others? I would check his crop to feel if it is hard or impacted, and check it first thing in the morning before he eats or drinks when it should be empty. Look inside his throat for any yellow plaques or mucus. It may be easier to grab him off the roost at night or earl morning before daylight. Head shaking can be a sign of mites, ear infection or mites, and sometimes a respiratory disease. Have you wormed your chickens? That might be something to do with Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer.

thank you for responding. He keep scratching his comb and to make it worse I have a few hens that peck at his comb while on the roost and he lets them. I’ve checked for mites, he has none. They are all on a regular schedule for de-worming (SafeGuard). I looked in his throat and it looks good. I check him and my hens at night and he seems healthy other than what you see on the video. He does let me pick him up so I am able to check him out.

Your the 2nd person that has mentioned a ear infection. Hum I need to consider that. He’s not raspy or anything so I’m thinking it’s not respiratory.
His comb is scabbed. Is he getting pecked by others? I would check his crop to feel if it is hard or impacted, and check it first thing in the morning before he eats or drinks when it should be empty. Look inside his throat for any yellow plaques or mucus. It may be easier to grab him off the roost at night or earl morning before daylight. Head shaking can be a sign of mites, ear infection or mites, and sometimes a respiratory disease. Have you wormed your chickens? That might be something to do with Valbazen or SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer.
Thank you for responding

He keeps scratching his comb and to make it worse I have a few hens that peck at his comb while on the roost and he lets them. I’ve checked for mites, he has none. They are all on a regular schedule for de-worming (SafeGuard). I looked in his throat and it looks good. I check him and my hens at night and he seems healthy other than what you see on the video. He does let me pick him up so I am able to check him out.
You can try to swab his ears with a QTip for any gunk in his ears. Ear infections can be from a few different things. Viruses, bacterial infections, or mites can cause them. Some mites only come out at nighttime, so it might be good to look then.

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