Rooster Crow Suddenly Weak/Strained


Apr 17, 2024
Hey there,

Going on my third year of raising chickens. I have a rooster that we hatched nearly a year ago. I was out of town for the weekend and upon my return, I noticed his crow sounded different. His usual strong and loud crow now sounds weak, similar to when he was learning to crow, as if he could be straining. I sat with him yesterday and didn't notice anything else in the AM. His comb, waddle, eyes and nose look healthy. No audible raspiness or strained breathing and his behaviors are otherwise typical.

By 5PM, I noticed he was periodically shaking his head to both sides and stretching his neck out at the sky and opening his mouth. Nothing else was observed in my 11 hens.

We live in Western NC and the weather suddenly got very hot and humid. I plan to add ACV to their water but would love any insight or advice past that.

Thanks in advance!
That does sound weird. Maybe the heat is just drying his throat. Hopefully by me paying someone more knowledgeable will see. I do know a good vitamin never hurts to give when your worried about an issue. It might just clear it up!

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