Shaking Heads

Billy Mahone

Oct 15, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Hi Guys,

I posted a few weeks ago about one of my chicks (smaller) which was unable to stand, I honestly didn't think it'll survive as it seemed to be out of it for at least 5 days.
So as a result i was giving them something to eat and drink myself.
Around the same time, one of my other bigger chicks seem to experience the same thing so i ended up separating them from the other 4 chicks.
It appeared they both had splayed legs as per the advice on this forum

Thankfully they have now gotten much better and are able to stand, however both of their heads shake when they try to stand or move.
Do you think this will go away eventually and they'll get normal?
These guys are both the same age btw 5 weeks old


Sorry about your chicks. I have never seen avian encephalomyelitis (AE) or epidemic tremor before, but I would wonder if that is what might be wrong here. It affects young chicks under a month old. It can also cause cataracts in older birds who survive. Hopefully, your chickens don’t have that, but I would be tempted to use some vitamin E given orally to try and see if there is any improvement. Here is some reading about AE:
They definitely look like they have something neurological going on. I agree with supplementing vitamins to see if it helps. In addition to the Vitamin E I would give them 1/4 of a B complex tablet also. If they don't improve, or you lose one, a necropsy would be the best way to know for sure.
There is a vaccine available to help prevent AE, if that is what is being seen. Here are a couple of videos of chicks with suspected and the second one is confirmed:


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