Shaky leg in my Indian Runner


Jul 13, 2021
I know there is a thread here...somewhere. Please forgive, I can't find it.
Gus my Drake, started with badly shaky legs about 2 weeks ago. I timed it 22 seconds before it starts. Then he just sits down. He has it in both legs.
Sally has a shaky leg(just 1) starts at about 45 seconds to over 75 seconds.
Nezzie, has no problem at all.
All came from Metzer's on July 12th.
I have increased the niacin. Tried Tums for more calcium. Nothing is working.
Any advice?
Because we got a whole lot a shaking going on in Ellenboro!
What kind of feed are they on? No other symptoms, just the shaky legs?

I've seen this kind of brief leg trembling in Runners I've raised and I suspect it's related to a fast growth period and legs needing to strengthen to cope (especially since they stand so upright). Since you're supplementing with niacin, niacin deficiency seems unlikely to be the cause. From my experience, as the legs get stronger, the tremors decrease and finally disappear.
What kind of feed are they on? No other symptoms, just the shaky legs?

I've seen this kind of brief leg trembling in Runners I've raised and I suspect it's related to a fast growth period and legs needing to strengthen to cope (especially since they stand so upright). Since you're supplementing with niacin, niacin deficiency seems unlikely to be the cause. From my experience, as the legs get stronger, the tremors decrease and finally disappear.
Thank you for that info. I am just starting raising Ducks. Started with 2 Khaki's , but was always fond of the Runners. So I got 3 from Metzer's.
I was wondering if it was a growth spurt cause. And they are growing.
I started them on Nutrina chick starter. Recently added Dumor starter because of the higher protein. I mixed the remaining Nutrina, with the Dumor. Thinking that perhaps they needed more protein.
They also eat their pine shavings like crazy. Doesn't seem to be hurting them. The Khaki's ate the shavings, too.
I do wonder why they like to eat those.
Thank you again for replying.
They need extra niacin every day until at least 10-12 weeks of age.
'Nutritional' yeast sprinkled over their feed 1 Tablespoon to each cup of feed. Chick starter hasn't enough niacin for ducklings. My Runners started out on Nutritional yeast over their chick starter and it did the trick never had shaky leg and I have had others that did and got them on the Nutritional yeast and it stopped. They grow so fast it's hard for the legs to keep up. lol
Okay now we need some pictures of these cuties.
And don't give any calcium until laying age from all I have read calcium when young can cause kidney issues.
What kind of feed are they on? No other symptoms, just the shaky legs?

I've seen this kind of brief leg trembling in Runners I've raised and I suspect it's related to a fast growth period and legs needing to strengthen to cope (especially since they stand so upright). Since you're supplementing with niacin, niacin deficiency seems unlikely to be the cause. From my experience, as the legs get stronger, the tremors decrease and finally disappear.
I noticed the tremors too in my Runners but I knew they were getting Probiotics with additional B Vitamins and Mazuri feed. I think you're right on target with it being a growth thing. Maybe there's a little but of nervous energy too but mine did it when they were totally relaxed. They outgrew it with more time outside and more swimming.
They need extra niacin every day until at least 10-12 weeks of age.
'Nutritional' yeast sprinkled over their feed 1 Tablespoon to each cup of feed. Chick starter hasn't enough niacin for ducklings. My Runners started out on Nutritional yeast over their chick starter and it did the trick never had shaky leg and I have had others that did and got them on the Nutritional yeast and it stopped. They grow so fast it's hard for the legs to keep up. lol
Okay now we need some pictures of these cuties.
And don't give any calcium until laying age from all I have read calcium when young can cause kidney issues.
Thank you for your reply. I have increased the niacin in their water & food.
Today I am starting to see results.
I gave up on the Tums idea, I think it was a post here, some where a vet recommended.
Now I have another issue. My 2 Khaki's Lucy & Lacy are starting mating signs. Standing on each others back & holding their heads under the water. They take turns, it's nuts!
Hopefully my little Gus will take care of all their needs when he gets older. Just 4 weeks tomorrow. He'll have 4 hens to care for. Should keep him busy.
I'm sorry I can't post pics, I only have an old camera with a SDS card. I don't own a cell phone.
Also, Miss Lydia, I always enjoy reading your posts. Keep that knowledge coming for us new duck owners. Much appreciated!
That's great news about shaky legs subsiding. It has sure helped here.
Arent those girls funny I was just sitting and watching my Runners and Buffs mating while my 2 drakes were standing and watching.
your girls will be throwing themselves at Gus once he get old enough. lol

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