shall i put another bulb in my bator the temp is 86F pls answer


10 Years
Jun 16, 2009
South Wales
hey, i set my bator up almost 1 hour 45 mins ago and the temp is 86F and my humidity is 56 is the humidity ok for chicken & duck eggs (couse thats what im putting in there) ?

and if my temp stays like that till tonight shall i put another low watt bulb in ?

i got a 60watt bulb in there now


I agree....the temp./humidity balance takes a while to achieve with the moist air heating up. That being said 86 is low. I have never used bulbs in my bator so I am sorry not to be of much help with what to do but I would wait as suggested.
I put 2 bulbs or more depending on the size of the bator just in case one bulb burns out there is not a cold bator all day. one of my bators I use 2 40 watt bulbs the next one I use 2 75 watt bulbs my large bator ( small cabinet) I have 4 light sockets I am still working on getting the heat level right

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