Shalom from East Texas!

Shalom! Hello Backyard community. I have raised chickens off and on throughout my life in backyards and on vast open prairies and everything in between. Right now, we have a backyard coop and run with only 8 Rhodies, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Partridge Cochin, and 2 cross breeds. We had a much larger flock until the bobcats and coyotes came through one night and completely decimated us :hit. I don't think I've ever lost so many so quickly! Anyways, lessons learned the hard way and we're planning on rebuilding the flock when spring comes around.

I've been reading threads here for about a year now and finally decided to join. This community seems very supportive and informative as well. I was prompted recently to venture here bc one of my RIR hens just died unexpectedly. The information I found was extremely helpful and set my mind at ease for the rest of my little flock.

I look forward to being able to add what I've learned to the boards and meeting others who may even live out here in East Texas that have a niche for small scale livestock.

Welcome to BackYardChickens! So glad to have you here in our wonderful community of friendly, helpful, knowledgeable people!
Hello there and welcome to BYC! :frow

I am so sorry for your losses. :hugs This must have been heart breaking for you. Build your coop like Fort Knox and keep them in a run if necessary, predators are brutal on the flock.

Make yourself at home here and welcome to our roost!

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