- Oct 5, 2014
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- 42
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Hello everyone! Shane and I got our 8 sweet girls this June when they were only a day old. We have kind of gone overboard with the coop and run, but they seemed like high class ladies to us so why not. We have 2 Barred Rocks: Maude & Myrtle, 4 Ameraucanas: Harriet, Opal, Mona, & Vivienne, Our fat little Buff Orpington: Agnes, and Ginger the Rhode Island Red. This video is from the first day we moved our girls into 'Chateau de Wong.' Shane has since put in a chandelier and an awesome purple pop door. The outdoor run is 8 ft by 16 ft by 7 ft tall, and has a Japanese Maple planted in it. We are in the process of adding large rocks around the perimeter of the hardware cloth Shane cemented 14 inches into the soil. This website has really helped us get started and we're excited to continue to learn from you folks! Courtney & Shane Wong