"Share a Laugh" a Random Posting Thread ~ hosts, Mike & Sally

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It's pouring now, I was out checking that stuff they have on the roof .. for now..it was windy!   Sure is more noisy when their is no shingles on the roof!

Man, you watch, you will have alll of those nest boxes, and they will all fight over one of them.  That's what mine do, and I have six boxes.   I always find all of the eggs in one..and yes, I hear one or two in particular that will stand there and cuss at whoever is in the favorite box until they are out..or, some will share.   What's up with that anyway.  Happens everywhere!

Ok ok. Good point. Mine are like that now. How about just 1 big long one. That way they have the same box and can't fuss.... OMG!!! Position in box!!!! I'm not thinking about that!!!
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