Share Pics of your Farm Dogs


That's our Ole, lab/basset mix.
Don't let his picture in the driveway fool you, his favorite place to sleep is on the couch with HIS blankie. Some farm dog...
Here goes please excuse the greyhound Spud she is 15 years old and had been poorly when i took this pic it was her first walk she was very happy she is stood with Jakob the collie they love being farm dogs and guard my hens at night they all sleep together on the sofa .... yes the sofa
This is Harry my Ute he is a guard dog not a farm dog but suffers with lupus so spends most of his time lounging around.
I also have a little staff cross lab called Amber but for some unknown reason i have no photos of her right now mainly because she hardly ever sits still but i will rectify this straight away and put her mug up soon. She keeps Harry company and babysits any baby critters that come my way she fosters pups,kittens and rabbits and even loves the chickens. All of these guys are rescued. I love em
I couldn't pass up not posting to this thread! This is Bogey. He is a 12 year old Australian Shepherd that didn't become a farm dog until he was 10 years old. Before that he was my Agility, Obedence, Tracking dog. He is one of those very talented dogs that no matter what you ask of him, he gives you 110% & more. When I moved out to the farm, he was having hip problems, so I decided it was time to retire him from the show ring. He settled right in and yes, he also has his own blankie, hat & shades too!!!


OH, I can see the basset in his eyes! He looks very serious.....I'd be afraid....a little bit...

He's really a big loveable goofball. The eyes are just perfect for begging for treats, though.

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