Share Pics of your Farm Dogs



10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
So many people ask what kind of dogs make good farm dogs and there's really just SO many. I thought it would be cool to star a thread to post pictures and list what breed(s) your farm dog is, kind of to help those people out there that are looking into getting/adopting a new dog or puppy for their farm or flock home.

Here's mine.

Name: Jemma
Breeds: Doberman/Rottweiler mix
Sex: Female
Current Age: 19wks old
On the Farm? She LOVES the birds, she goes and sleeps in the chicken coop when i'm outside or she'll sun bathe with the hens. She never bothers the ducklings or eggs either. She is very scared of the cows though!!


Jemma & HER Bird!


Am I still able to post pics on this thread, or is it too old?
I'm just gonna go ahead. Who knows. Maybe I can revive this thread!😊

This is my 8 month old great pyr/ anatolian shepard/marremma/ karakachan mix pup, Juno. She is great with the ducklings and is a viligent guard dog, napping periodically, and patrolling the yard day and night. Both her parents work on a sheep farm in ND, which is where we got her, so guarding stock runs strong in her blood.

First pic- 10 weeks old, on the way back from ND in the car. She bawled bloody murder whenever we put her in the crate in the back, so she lay in my lap the whole 15 hours.
Second pic- 6 months old, and looking like an angel.
Third pic- 7 months old after hellish a bath. Juno refused to be washed, and kept climbing out of the tub, despite being tied to the faucet. And if dogs could scream their heads off and throw soaking toddler-bedtime tantrums, that is what it was like.
Final pic-6 months, Juno and my other dog, Layla (who serves no puropse more than loudly alerting us to the arrival of the mail man, then standing directly at his knees, barking up at his face.), found a martin burrow on the woods, and decided to investigate.

Here’s my mutt. Got her from the pound she had been abused and neglected. Lived under a car the first two years of her life. No she’s just Hanging out enjoying life!
Here's my farm dog....Well, I don't have a full blown farm but I have six wooded acres and two chicken coops.....


She's an Irish Terrier, and she seems to really like my turkeys! Her name is Fionna. She's a bit bigger now, but looks exactly the same as in this pic.
Here is mine - i know i know - small but mighty! He loves his chooks and protects them totally. Had a recent incident with a stray dog and this lil guy - all nine pounds chased off the intruder! LOL

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