Share Pics of your Farm Dogs

~Wind~ :

Looks like Alex had a dye job lol

alex is a crested of many colors. red, pink, purple, green, orange, yellow, blue..

ziggy has a white triangle on the back of her neck. i was mixing up a new purple but alex was already green at the time. i wanted to test out a purple i mixed so ziggy got to be the test subject. it has faded to a very light pink at this point and is almost gone.

now kay-ak on the other hand is very dye resistant. we have tried using dye on her like the other 2 but any color that don't rinse right off will fade away in a coupe hours and she will be white again.

alex and ziggy's hair condition are both improving and dye jobs don't last nearly as long as they use to nor are they as bold of colors as they once were.​
Gunner is Beautiful!!!

Here's a couple pictures of my ACD Dalton. He protects the farm animals and loves to tease the horses. At night he stays in the garage, but he will bark to alert us if there is a problem outside. The geese and him work pretty good as an alarm system!


I dug around and found pictures of our other dogs

Bishop is a Pit/Boxer mix. He's my mothers dog so he jst comes to visit as often as possible but he loves the ducks and loves getting in the pool with them even though he usually just scares them out, lol.



Peaches. This is our grumpy old alarm farm dog, she will let you know when anyone is here and won't shut up wil they leave


Keely, our Blue Heeler. She's really better at getting in the way when you're moving the birds then actually helping. She loves it though and she's a sweet girl.

and this is Scarlet, a Rottweiler we rescued a while back. we had her for 8 months before she found her new home but she was awesome with all the animals from the second she got here.


Our Farm dogs

The Mostly outside dogs- who would be inside all the time if it was up to them.
Apollo -Suppose to be a purebred Black Lab- who came to us from my sister in law, because he got out of their house in town and jumped for a kids icecream cone, nicking the kids hand. The small town police deemed him a vicious dog and ordered her to remove him from the town or they would destroy him. We took him. He is the mellowest dog ever and I trust him 100% with chickens, cats, dogs, rabbits and kids. He is HUGE though and I can see why the kid freaked out, but there was not even a mark. Still it worked out great for us, he is the best watch dog and is always chasing off coons, opossums, and coyotes. He lives outside most the time, but comes in when I get off work at 10 to eat and chill in the house for a few hours before going back out for his nightly watch shift.




LeiLani (Lani)- Got her from the pound in august of 2005, tag said Stray shepherd mix. Age was guessed to be about 8 months old. When we got her she looked like a german shepherd, now a days she looks like a chow, maybe with some husky mixed in. Whatever she is I love her. It took her a while to figure out the chickens where not chew toys, she never killed one but would like to carry them around in her mouth when we where not looking. These days she will sleep with them. She is not so trustworthy with rabbits, and as she ages she gets a bit grumpy around the other dogs and cats, she is very protective of her food, but has never showed any aggression toward people of any age, something I worry about from past experiences with chows.




The mostly inside dog - who would be outside most of the time if it it was up to her.
Annie - The beagle - she is tied up or in the fenced yard outside because if not you won't see her for a few hours. She is very good with cats, kids, chickens, ducks even the guinea pigs, but the rabbits are another story. She is my baby though. Also makes a great foot warmer on cold days!



With Apollo
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This is our farm dog...Petey...he is a Pit mix of some sort.




We rescued him from our local pound when he was just a little guy. He was on the list to be put down. He already survived twice being kenneled with several other puppies that all died of parvo at the pound. He never got sick. I guess maybe he had gotten shots at some point by his previous owners before he got picked up as a stray. He was only about 12 weeks old when we got him, so who knows. Then a few months later we found out he had gotten mange while at the pound. We took him to the vet and he said he could put him on a high dosage of ivermectin but there was no way to know how he would react to it, and that too could kill him. We tried and it and never had a reaction and his mange cleared up. He fought hard his first year of life but now he is a happy, healthy 3 year old. Unfortunately I think at some point before we got him someone beat him because he is still extremely submissive. He cowers down every time he approaches a person including my husband and I. He wouldn't hurt a fly though. He is one of those dogs that you can do ANYTHING to him and he will just sit there and take it. We has had a lot of kids who liked to tug on his big ol' lips and ears and he just sits there with a goofy smile. He is a good boy except he does like to eat chickens if he finds them out on their own with no one watching them.


This is Orion, our Rottweiler. (Thank you North Carolina Rottweiler Rescue) He weighs 115lbs and is THE MAN!! He is my buddy, my farm hand, my good right arm. He protects the poultry and hogs from coyotes, hawks and dogs, and anything else. He is gentle, sweet and totally intimidating to strangers. I don't know what I would do without him.


This is his dog, Athena. She is great! Not such a good "farm" dog since she is not particular about the chickens. She doesnt chase them, but she would like to. And while she is great about repelling other dogs (she weighs around 70lbs), she is mostly my dog's dog. (And now my toddler's dog since they are rapidly becoming besties. Which is great! She is a Shepherd, Lab, Pit mix. (???) Regardless, she is all love and while she is not as "business" as Orion is, I love her anyway.
Gotta send a photo of my two kids and my husband's new addition!

Here is EmmaLee, Standard Rat Terrier, who thinks she's a supreme herding dog! Not! Use to kill chickens until the law was laid down, now she just ignores them. She is great at getting mice and is the back up guard dog.



Here is Tucker, or "Mr. Awesome," my 10 month old English Shepherd. He is super cool! At only about 4 months old he voluntarily took care of a bum calf we got. He'd disappear for a while, and when I'd call him, he'd be in the stall with little Toby. He kept him clean and kept him company until Toby was about a month old. He's an awesome herding dog, seeming to know where he's needed whenever we move our few cows. He pretty much ignores the chickens, which I was hoping he would take care of.
His play toy is an equally awesome cat that someone dumped about a year ago, and he's an excellent big brother to our newest addition, Sage. (Can ya tell I really love this dog!? Poor Em, but I love her too!
) He's also a great mouser, keeps hawks and eagles away, watches over the place at night.




And this is Sage, (Sagers), my husband's little heeler pup. She's quite the cutie, and is going to be a little pistol! She did chase one of my pet chickens, but so far after that, she leaves them alone. Comes in with me to feed them. Brave little girl!

This is Hunter.
She doesn't bother anyone except rabbits.
She was a pregnant stray in July 2008, when she moved in with me.
She and the 2 black lab mix doggies (mother and daughter) next door keep the vermin, raccoon, and bicyclists at bay.
The second picture is the daughter a while back. She's a big larger now.



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