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These are my babies! 2 week old Pekin named Toaster and 8(?) day old Cayuga named Dallas!
Here are my babies! Pyrrhos the Mallard is fourteen weeks and four days old. The Welsh Harlequins are thirteen weeks and two days old! In the very back is Eris, in front of her are (from back to front) Nyx, Thoth, and Erebus. Off to the side is Pyrrhos. I think Erebus and Pyrrhos are going to end up being a pair. They tend to hang out together more than they hang out with the others. Heck, if we end up short on money, I'll probably sell the other three and just keep these two, and they'd be perfectly happy with it. Pyrrhos posing Eris, my gold phase hen posing with my silver phase hen, Nyx, and the other silver phase drake/hen(I don't even know anymore what he is), Thoth. These three chill together more often than the others. Pyrrhos hangs out with them when Erebus is taken inside for the night. All five babies chillin' together Eris eating a bush and showing off her beautiful bronze wing bar!
. What gorgeous babies. .just love these!!! ;)

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