Sharing my organic veggie garden.

Red Barn Farms

~Friendly Fowl~
7 Years
Apr 12, 2012
Kentucky Heartland
We've moved to the country and been so busy I've not had a chance to plow a garden spot for this year yet. This was my garden a few years back. I miss my garden! Here are a few short videos if anyone is interested in my constant ramblings, lol

I talk about my heirloom tomatoes, watermelons, cantaloupes, squash, beans, sunflowers, etc. I am a total organic gardener. I try to offer advice and seek advice from others as well. Hope you enjoy. All comments are most welcome!
Awesome, thanks for sharing. Do you have any problems with your chickens ransacking your garden? I just planted around 19 varieties of winter squash and I'm hoping my little busy-bodies don't dig 'em all up for a snack! LOL!

I love planting heirloom seeds, I think it offers such a unique variety! How do you deter squash (stink) bugs? I was going around and just smashing them but??? maybe there's a better way? We also had these yellow bugs with black stripes that got after the seedlings. We are not certified organic but we try to be pesticide/chemical free.

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