Sharing our chickens!!

May 20, 2018
I will have pictures tomorrow, i have 1 chicken from a hatchery (sadly all 14 of its lil chicky friends died most from a racooon problem that is now solved) and 14 we got from a friend, whk tried hatching chicks in a new incubator we are getting rid of all but 1 roo but were going to have to see which ones have a good personality for our hens we also have 3 of our 5 ( two died again from raccoon problem) they we got 3 or so years ago (as chicks) they are in a different coop, we built a new one and got all but the 3 adults this year, the younger ones are in the new and bigger one once they are all around the same size they will move into the same coop, the one from a hatchery is a lil older than the rest but we were careful.

Feel free to post about your favorite flock members!! Dont forget names and such
One chicken (one that came from the friends of ours) got a wing torn off through the chicken wire her name is ‘peg leg Peggy” I couldn’t get that good of a picture of her
This boy is the only one crowing so far and he LOVES the swing we have in there he is par Americana and part golden laced polish

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