Shave or pluck?

Belle, I just don't know how to thank you enough, but I am saving my $87 for a case of mayonnaise for PC for Christmas. Can I pay you next month?

[It feels so good to be validated... sigh]

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With a straight razor Boyd???
Us girls (5 of us) used to steal my Dad's razor, so he switched to a straight razor. I still have the scar on my ankle.

My dad was a barber so that's what I learned on. I still use it from time to time when I end up with an audience in the bathroom. Makes a great equalizer

Saddina, how bout you put a dab of cream on his chin and let the cat lick it off?

Coco would take his chin off, not what I had in mind.
Oh and Buff? Set a drink down and have a kid with a snotty nose running down to their top lip come along, pick it up and take a sip.
Henry'schickens :

Why not go a step further and wax?!?

I do have wax, but i figured that's overkill for 1-2 hairs.​
Actually Saddi, make him pluck it. He'll appreciate what us older women go through with eyebrows and chin hairs.

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