She ain't purty, she's a bit old


The Chicken Whisperer
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
May 11, 2010
Out lived her owner is what we were told
A bit rusty, one could see this gal was old
She wouldn't move, woudn't crank
Not a drop was in her tank

She rolled off the trailer without a complaint
Lord, I thought, she needs a coat of paint.

The hubby took her in and pittered about.
A few days later he gave me a shout

'Turn the key and listen to her purr'
So I did and listened to the John Deere murmur

I released the clutch and off she went
Pistons pumped and her valves clattered
Her engine is strong is all that mattered
She might be rusty, she might have a dent
But I do believe the old gal was heaven sent.




I like reviving an old machines and putting them to back to work. This tractor steers well and the brakes work great. Always a plus for me!

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