She looks horrible


Nov 17, 2021
I have one hen that is looking really horrible. This is my first time raising chickens. They were given to me last year around this time. They all layed eggs well at the time. Then when spring hit, they slowed to about 1 to 2 eggs a day. Now, I haven't gotten an egg in 3 days. All of them look fine except for one hen. She has a large crop. I felt of it and its soft. There are no feathers on her underside and one spot that might be a sore. Also, she is loosing feathers around her wings. None of these chicken like to be touched or held. She seems to be acting normal. She is eating. I have provided grit, oyster shells, layer crumbles, and fresh veggies. Pictures below. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


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Moult? New pinfeathers are coming in, so I wouldn't give it too much worry at this stage. They do go off the lay while moulting, which tends to occur in the fall\winter.

Most don't moult their first year while they're still pullets so it catches first timers off guard when they're chicken is suddenly balding, but its all about getting themselves ready for the next breeding season.

The bump on her chest looks like a callus from rubbing it against the ground or perch, so I wouldn't be too worried about that either.
All of them look fine except for one hen. She has a large crop. I felt of it and its soft. There are no feathers on her underside and one spot that might be a sore.
The sore looks like a breast blister, you'll want to keep watch on that to see if it gets bigger or starts to look like it has pus in it. Right now I think it's probably ok.

As for the crop, it's fine to be large, full and soft as long as it's emptying overnight.


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