She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

Omg! That is so awesome!! I finally just saw my first internal pip a couple weeks ago on a quail egg. I've still never seen one on a chicken egg! Was it making any sound? I'm so jealous...that looks so cool!
Yes! On my first batch, I didn't open the incubator after lockdown but I have the mini, so it's a plastic dome shape and I could hold the flashlight right up to the plastic and candle the egg. When I saw how much the air cell grew, I thought for sure that I killed them and the humidity was wrong...I panicked. Then I learned that it's the natural process. Now I get excited when I see that because I know it's close and it's still alive. I learned in my last batch that if they are DIS then draw down won't start/happen. Please post pics throughout the hatch!

Well i was freakn out cuz the aircells were small when i did weights i jus wasnt happy w water loss. SO i candled, but i wasnt spose to lockdown for Days yet! Day 28, ducky hatch day, is FrIDAY! I was beside myself to say the least. Screamin an runnin around like a psyco :lau ! I didnt know they Wouldnt draw if they arent alive, good stuff! I had 11 drawn last night, i havent opened the bator again :) practicing self control on a whole new level! As soon as theres something to show u, i will! Im just glad theyre still on their way to Hatch!!! I gotta go do housework lol !distract myself, im getn all wound up again!
ETA: He just came out about maybe an hour ago.

Personally, I would put him back in the incubator. I don't take chicks out for at least 8-12 hours for a couple reasons...
•The temp is consistent and warm in the bator. They need a lot of rest after hatch.
•The hatched chicks help and motivate the other eggs to hatch
•They don't need food or water right away and they get used to you because your face is always stuck in front of the bator! :p
Do you have a thermometer in the brooder? That's great that you helped him out successfully. Zipping really shouldnt take that long and by that point all the vessels and yolk is absorbed. But..usually you would help him out and keep him in the incubator. They should stay in the incubator for a minimum of 1 hour, till they are dry, if they catch a chill they can die. How is he right now?? How's the other eggs?
The thermometer in the brooder says 99.5° right now. I figured I'd put him in the brooder cause there's still 2 eggs that haven't pipped but are still alive and then there's another 1 zipping right now so I figured I'd put this 1 in the brooder so he wasn't knocking the other eggs all around when he came out, lol.
Personally, I would put him back in the incubator. I don't take chicks out for at least 8-12 hours for a couple reasons...
•The temp is consistent and warm in the bator. They need a lot of rest after hatch.
•The hatched chicks help and motivate the other eggs to hatch
•They don't need food or water right away and they get used to you because your face is always stuck in front of the bator! :p

Well i was freakn out cuz the aircells were small when i did weights i jus wasnt happy w water loss. SO i candled, but i wasnt spose to lockdown for Days yet! Day 28, ducky hatch day, is FrIDAY! I was beside myself to say the least. Screamin an runnin around like a psyco :lau ! I didnt know they Wouldnt draw if they arent alive, good stuff! I had 11 drawn last night, i havent opened the bator again :) practicing self control on a whole new level! As soon as theres something to show u, i will! Im just glad theyre still on their way to Hatch!!! I gotta go do housework lol !distract myself, im getn all wound up again!

I'm thinking your incubator temps are running high. That's why they are so early. Just something to look into. Good luck with the self control. I have 3 eggs due this week and I look at the bator every time I walk in the room!!
Personally, I would put him back in the incubator. I don't take chicks out for at least 8-12 hours for a couple reasons...
•The temp is consistent and warm in the bator. They need a lot of rest after hatch.
•The hatched chicks help and motivate the other eggs to hatch
•They don't need food or water right away and they get used to you because your face is always stuck in front of the bator! :p
K, I'll move him back real quick then.
I would because he will keep the one that's hatching company. You'll see, they will bond right away and sleep together. But it's totally your call. How does his navel look?

Thanks for the luck, ill need it! My bator is in my Master Bath(because thats where the temp is stediest in the house) and i have a bladder problem, SO... LOL I enter that room about 100xs a day!

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