She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

I really hope she's ok. Great job, btw!!
My neighbor has 2 chickens and 2 ducks with only 1 eye (all Probably could have been prevented with medication but anyway) they mix in with the flock just fine. I never see them get bullied. But when I bring treats, I just have to make sure I hold my hand down in front of the good eye or they don't see it.
Thanks, it's good to know that they can be healthy and happy with only 1 eye. I just over think everything and worry way too much about little things. I guess that a good thing for the birds but d*** it's stressful for me, lol.
ETA: Is that the neighbor that has the nasty yard and sickly looking birds?
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Pasty butt: get them on fermented feed. give them grit, give them a plug of sod from your lawn, as long as it's not been treated with insecticides/weed killers. Be sure they have a good heat source, Keep a close eye on it. It should clear up soon.
Pasty butt:  get them on fermented feed. give them grit, give them a plug of sod from your lawn, as long as it's not been treated with insecticides/weed killers.  Be sure they have a good heat source,  Keep a close eye on it.  It should clear up soon.
Oh, ok, I've been wanting an excuse to ferment their feed anyway, lol, this is an excellent excuse ;)
Mine, but I am pretty sure that the chickens feel the same when they get pecked
Oh my, I know that has to hurt!! I've gotten sand in my eye and other stuff that gets under my contacts and they just rub it in, but I've never been pecked in the eye... knock on wood, lol. I'll be back on here tomorrow telling y'all how I got pecked in the eye cause I spoke too soon, lol.
Your eye? Or the chickens? Lol

:lau Amy, I don't think she was around for your accidents.

Thanks, it's good to know that they can be healthy and happy with only 1 eye. I just over think everything and worry way too much about little things. I guess that a good thing for the birds but d*** it's stressful for me, lol.
ETA: Is that the neighbor that has the nasty yard and sickly looking birds?

Yup, that's the one! I was over there yesterday and there was the nicest broody that made a nest in with the pig of all places. But she let me lift her up and look at her eggs and one was pipped! It was so cool!! (I've never had a broody yet).

Pasty butt:  get them on fermented feed. give them grit, give them a plug of sod from your lawn, as long as it's not been treated with insecticides/weed killers.  Be sure they have a good heat source,  Keep a close eye on it.  It should clear up soon.

Lazy, my chicks are staying outside tonight for the first time with their mph. I'm such a nervous wreck!

Oh, also, is it OK for chickens to eat cucumbers? I have a few and was thinking about dicing some up kind of small and giving some to the adults.

I give them to mine, so I hope so!
:lau Amy, I don't think she was around for your accidents.
Yup, that's the one! I was over there yesterday and there was the nicest broody that made a nest in with the pig of all places. But she let me lift her up and look at her eggs and one was pipped! It was so cool!! (I've never had a broody yet).
Lazy, my chicks are staying outside tonight for the first time with their mph. I'm such a nervous wreck!
I give them to mine, so I hope so!
No, I wasn't around to hear about those accidents, lol, I'd definitely remember if I'd heard about that, lol.

Those poor chickens over there, that's sad. But yes, I can't wait to experience my first ever broody :) That's going to be awesome, and even better, I won't be able to candle as much so it'll teach me to refrain from candling everyday ;) (I'm sure I'll drive myself crazy trying to think of a way to do it though, lol)

I've given them a little bit of cucumber and some banana the last 2 evenings so I hope it's ok too, lol. I know it can give people gas and gas is very bad in a bird since they have no way of... expelling it.

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