Shed chickens...


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2015








16 yr old son has been hiding chickens in the shed.... SUPRISE!!!! Now that we have decided to keep them. Would like to know what we have. I know we have 2 RIR bc he said he bought those separate. Both are hens... Then we have the other 2. One grey an one black. They both are multi colored. I am thinking the grey is a hen an the black is a Roo. Son said he got them as chicks in the beginning of Feb so I'm thinking they are about 3 months old. Here are some pics. What do you think? An when should I start seeing eggs from both?
The 2 multi colored ones are Easter Eggers.
One thing I have to say it is so cute that a teen would pick chickens as his vice.
Haha that is great!

Unfortunately both are roosters. They're both showing rooster color patterns- the red coming on the wing area of the lighter colored one is the classic rooster-red zones coming in. His back will become mostly red later.

Some roosters are able to get along perfectly well and not overbreed the hens but be prepared for there being an issue- either one rooster(probably the black and white) would become very dominant and want the other boy out.. or they start breeding the two girls way too often.

So be prepared to either get more hens or part with one of boys.

btw if you breed them, chances are the daughters will lay green eggs.

As for eggs, still a ways off by a couple months. You'll know it's getting close once their faces turn deep red with the combs and wattles getting bigger and fleshier.
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They look like Easter Eggers to me. For sure, the blacker one is a cockerel, and I think that the bluish one may be a male, too.
The red ones are Rhode Island Reds/Production Reds. The multi-colored ones appear to be Easter Eggers. I'm thinking that both Easter Eggers are roosters.
Now I'm just sad!! I really liked them both. The colors on them are beautiful. They haven't begun to crow yet.. I only have a house big enough for 4 an I can't have a rooster at all due to convents in my neighborhood. I guess I will hold out just to b sure. They will let me know soon enough.
Thank you for the help!!

An yes we were very thankful that Chickens were the only thing he was "growing" in the shed.... LOL
LOL indeed!

Sorry to say, but both are 100% for sure boys.. so start thinking about how to deal with them now.

It would not be very fun if there happens to be a neighbor who becomes very irate at hearing crowing and it turns out you have a hard time finding a new home for them... for days.. or weeks..

Especially if you are not zoned for chickens at all, that could get you busted and end up having to give away all four.

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