Sheep and Goats and Transforming from Being a Novice


Crossing the Road
14 Years
Sep 19, 2009
Holts Summit, Missouri
I'm starting up with sheep and goats after thinking about for years. Herd is currently four Katahdin ewes (to lambs, one open, and one due to give birth in March / April) and one American Alpine due to give birth in March. The herd will be built up to 12 breeding ewes and 4 breeding does on roughly 8 acres of ground. The first year we will be getting pastures setup for strip grazing and I want to get through at winters on part by stockpiling forage. Currently the forage on average is poor and heterogenous although the amount is so they can do a lot of cherry picking on the virgin ground. My intent is to improve the quality of pasture through grazing regimen and seeding. My interest is really into their behavior like it has been with chickens on this site. Learning is name of the game.

I promptly got repelled by goat folks elsewhere but have found moderation here knows how to tame my passions in a good way.
Congratulations on starting your herds! I am a BIG fan of Katahdins with their lovely coats and beautiful dishy faces.

I've only kept two or three over the years to keep down the abundance of weeds that spring up around the property. We always had Suffolks when I was growing up.

My sheep live adjacent to my miniature goats. and both groups are more than happy to have a fence between them.

Good luck with your plan, and happy learning!
Congratulations on your new flock and beginning of a new herd. Katahdins are a good choice. I like to put a Dorper ram with my Katahdin ewes. To get the hybrid vigor and growth for market lambs. I use a Katahdin ram when I am breeding for replacement ewes. There is nothing like watching goat kids bounce across a pasture with the unpredictability of leaves in the wind. If you haven’t got one already. A soil test will help a lot with figuring out what your soil needs. Getting the ph right will help tremendously in improving your pastures. Best of luck with your new livestock venture.
Are the sheep and goats housed together? I'm curious how you're ensuring the goats get the correct supplements and the sheep don't have access to the goats' free choice minerals.
Our first goat birthing occured yesterday evening. It was cold so I was particularly concerned about hypothermia.

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