
  1. centrarchid

    Pinless Peeper as Possible Management Tool for Aggressive Roosters

    Today I visited with a gal I hang with and got an introduction to her chickens. Her main rooster 007 is prone to attacking male humans. For some reason he did not go after me even though he did give subtle ques that he considered be a threat, Taking that into consideration and the frequent...
  2. centrarchid

    Sheep and Goats and Transforming from Being a Novice

    I'm starting up with sheep and goats after thinking about for years. Herd is currently four Katahdin ewes (to lambs, one open, and one due to give birth in March / April) and one American Alpine due to give birth in March. The herd will be built up to 12 breeding ewes and 4 breeding does on...
  3. Samantha Stevens

    At what age are Emu chicks fox-proof?

    I have 3 emu chicks., they're 3 months old now, and live outside. But at the moment we're putting them in the large* chicken run overnight to protect them from foxes. I live in the south of the UK, so foxes are the only predators that we have to worry about. At what age are they safe from...
  4. Anime2lover

    How to tell when a rooster is too old

    Our main rooster, big red is already four years old. He is the dominant rooster, and always got along well with the younger rooster he's been kept with for over a year. But recently, the younger bantam roosters seem to be domineering him more. He just got over a bout with one silky rooster that...
  5. B

    Can I introduce Bantams to a normal sized rooster?

    Hi! I just recently finished building a couple coops and purchased my first pair of chickens. The rooster is half Easter Egger and half Copper Maran, the hen is a silkie. They’ve been with me for about a week and are already quite comfortable with me. They get along very well and eat from my...
  6. luckyduck956

    Help Managing Indoor Ducks

    For those of you that have indoor ducks, or ducks that go both in and out of your house, how do you manage your ducks and other things? I’m finding it hard to get things done around my house because I’m so concerned about watching my ducklings (2-3 weeks old) I don’t want my floors to become...
  7. WallyBirdie

    The Waiting Game

    Two flocks, five babies, and a lot of time! So much fun! I've been managing my flocks, integrating smaller/younger fowl into the coop/run with my mature hens. Now, I wait! So far, all is well and everyone is happy. The little ones are adjusting and the big girls are not bullying. I've been...
  8. MrsWayne

    Duck, Duck, Rooster

    My RI rooster is beating the snot out of my Pekin. What are your ideas on managing them? Eighteen weeks ago we brought home four chicks and two ducklings from Tractor Supply. Turns out we have two Golden Comet hens (Pixie and Trixie), two roosters [one Barred (Reuben) and one RI (Red)] and...
  9. ZurcherFarms

    Raising broilers with livestock

    Hello! I just wanted to bounce some ideas off of you all. I know chickens LOVE cattle and pig poop, and though it seems disgusting, it's actually pretty good for them, and creates less feed waste, and helps break up the actual livestock waste as they're scratching it around. Seems like a win...
  10. acceabex

    Possible Overmating... Course of Action

    Hi All, I've been reading quite a bit about overmating and want to see if this seems reasonable... Here's the landscape of the flock (ducks and geese mixed, though we'll leave the geese out of this one); I have 3 boys and 4 girls currently. We're getting 5 more girls this year (to bring it...
  11. allosaurusrock

    Sneezing Flock and how to Manage?

    So, I have had my flock for a number of years now. The old owners of my house left their flock, and I added onto it over time. The only problem was that the chickens the old owners left me sneezed, and now so do my additions. I also want to breed for show and sale, and with sneezing chickens...
  12. Aunt Bea's Egg

    Great source of information from U of Kentucky link

    Wonderful source from their Agricultural Dept - click on poultry links for an array of fantastic science based information.
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