sheep vs goats

Difference of interest to me involves how the sheep and goats forage. Sheep graze, targeting ground level grasses that can be consumed nearly to the ground. Goats browse more, targeting forbes that are often out of direct reach for chickens. Both impacting the foraging options left for chickens. Chickens eat plants as well and seem partial to eating regrowth that occurs on plants that have recently been trimmed back. Sheep tend to leave more forbs that provide cover and locations for insect prey to collect.

Both species provide the feces that can provide resources that other prey for chickens benefit from. Sheep also grind up even small seeds while goats appear to pass some seeds the chickens can pick out of the feces.

The foraging pressure needs to be taken into account. Too much foraging by any species can degrade value to others. Modest pressure can at times improve it.

My observations based on when sheep and goats are not provided feed and chickens get supplemented with a most scratch grains. My place of work maintains both sheep and goats. Grazing system there is intensive. With goats (Bore cross mostly), supplemental grain feeding is used with young animals being raised for slaughter. My chickens would invest a lot of time going after that feed in addition to foraging.
I am hoping to not have to build fences for my goats, but to train them to not eat the veggie garden.
Sorry... but.... :gig
Your'e going to want fence around your garden to keep the goats and the chickens out of there. Not to mention the rabbits, deer, ground hogs, etc.

Keeping goats out of the chicken feed can be a real challenge. The smaller the goats, the harder it is to prevent them from using the chicken doors.
Even though the veggie garden is by the house and about 4-5 acres from the barn? I was going to plant the chickens and goat a "fake" veggie garden LOL with squash and other plants that take up a lot of room.... :)
Ok, I see this is a really old thread.... but WHAAAAAA??????
The two animals I want to have are goats and chickens... Oh oh! They arent compatible??
I should be able to keep the goats out of the coop (the only place there is chicken feed) but they will be sharing a barn. They will also be free ranging together. I am hoping to not have to build fences for my goats, but to train them to not eat the veggie garden.
We have 27 acres, and Im hoping to get the goats to "clear" the small undergrowth (the forest in a few areas was selectively cleared, so its a nice open forest but this was about 6 years ago, so lots of trees wih less than1 inch diameter, and tall weeds. I was hoping to peg the goats down on a lead so they can work away at said areas, and then have them "wander around" but we will have a large veggie garden. Are you saying I will need to fence it in? Can I not train them to leave it alone (maybe a squirt gun? or unpleasant noise, or electric collars.) Please dont lynch me for suggesting electric collar. I havent done much research, just thinking aloud. Dont own a dog, so Im just putting some ideas out there.

You will definitely need a fence around your vegetable garden. Goats LOVE to eat what you don't want them to, and they are sneaky little buggers. I have tried scaring them off with a variety of methods, and it works for about 5 seconds. As soon as I turn my back, they are back to being naughty. In the fall, after all of my vegetables are harvested, I let the chickens and goats into the garden area and let them go to town eating whatever is left. The goats love corn husks and underdeveloped ears.

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