Shell-less Duck Eggs!!! Help!!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 7, 2013
I have a female Pekin, Louise, who is about a year and a half old. She has been laying eggs just fine up till about two weeks ago. Two Fridays ago she laid an egg with no shell, just the membrane. Then she didn't lay anything till this last Friday, when she laid another shell-less egg. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what caused it and how did you correct the problem? I would really like for her to start laying proper eggs again. Any help will be appreciated!!
I did have those, also from a Pekin.
What worked here was a 3 step process: good Layer Feed (Layena)
Oyster Shell on the side, Free Choice
Liquid Calcium Gluconate added to water, I think I did 1tsp per gallon. Do a search for Amiga's Calcium Gluconate recipe, it's the best & it worked for me! :) good luck!
When that happens to one of mine I give it a human calcium pill or two every other day until the eggs are normal. You can also liquid calcuim that's sold at feedstores like TSC, it's called 23% Calcium Gluconate.

That 23% calcium gluconate is what I use, a teaspoon per half cup of water. I add the water to their feed to be sure they get it all. I do the same as HollyDuckFarmer.

I have been thinking, Kathy, about using calcium pills. How many units are yours? (I don't recall if they are labeled in mg or units or something else).

If you want to go the vet route, mine has also sometimes prescribed Neocalglucon. It's a thick liquid. I put it on peas, mash them up, and they go down easy.
Not sure I'll use the pills again now that I have the liquid, but when I did, I gave Bantams 1/2 a 500mg pill, full size chickens and ducks got 500-1000mg and the turkey2 got 2-4 pills. Now I just give about 1cc per kg (2.2 pounds) orally.

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I knew I could count on this site for good advice!! First question, how do you give a pill to a duck? I know, I know dumb question, but I'm new to this. Second, if I'm feeding her, as well as, my others who are younger out of same dishes and water bucket what would you recommend for making sure she is the one that gets it?
With Romy I would mash the extra goodies into peas, and then she and I would sneak around into a corner and have a little pea rendezvous. She knew when I was bringing her special treat and would move away from the other ducks, after the first time. She is a bright little bird. Sometimes I would have to block the other ducks, once they figured out Romy was getting goodies.

If I recall correctly, Miss Lydia would wrap a pill in some bread. I reckon for giving medication, and if it's just a little bread, I am not going to worry about that.
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I knew I could count on this site for good advice!! First question, how do you give a pill to a duck? I know, I know dumb question, but I'm new to this. Second, if I'm feeding her, as well as, my others who are younger out of same dishes and water bucket what would you recommend for making sure she is the one that gets it?
I just open beak insert pill, push pill to back of tongue and massage into crop. It's easier and safer than doing cats, lol.

Thank you everyone!! I'll try both oyster shells and a calcium pill and see what happens.

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