Shell-less eggs


7 Years
Sep 21, 2014
My 3 year old leghorn keeps laying shell-less eggs when shes ROOSTING. Yesterday she went up to roost to sleep, then I hear a splash and she laid a shell-less egg right there. I find them a lot and it must be her. She gets calcium, and eats like crazy, so what's wrong? and not every egg she lays is shell-less maybe 2 out of 7 a week.
Defective egg shell gland is likely culprit if you're POSITIVE nutrition isn't a factor.

Usually a hiccup seen in ladies just starting up or shutting down for the season. Reason it's on the droppings board is without the shell it FEELS like a poo to them. Probably age related.

At least the softees are passing instead of binding. :hmm


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