Shelless eggs are getting common...

Chicks Galore3

Artistic Bird Nut
11 Years
Dec 16, 2011
I had a hen(s) (not sure who) who laid shelless eggs once in a while - they are getting more often now, more like every day. I got 2 today. WHY is my chicken doing this, and if it is signs of illness, what type(s)? How do I find out who is laying them? TIA. :)
is the Poultry Site page for shelless eggs. Mine seem to lay them either as new pullets, or when older ones are starting to lay again after molting. The only ways I know to know who is doing it is either catch them in the act (when they have to lay a shellless egg it often takes longer than usual and you will see them standing around looking funny). Or if you think you know which hen it is put her in a crate etc and wait and see what she lays.

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