Back story - I have a SLW pullet who developed a prolapse due to, I believe, laying very large eggs too early. I didn't notice it soon enough and one of the Delawares pecked the tissue while it was hanging out and caused a sore. I isolated her and treated her with antibiotic ointment for the sore and prep H for the swollen tissue. She developed a very bad case of vent gleet and so I was treating her for both issues at the same time.
I tried ACV, Epsom salts, probiotics etc and nothing completely cleared the vent gleet, though it did help. I eventually put her on a round of antibiotics for a week and the vent gleet is now gone. I think she had an internal infection from the sore she got from being pecked.
Anyway, now to the issue at hand. The prolapse is nearly resolved, she no longer has any tissue hanging out after laying an egg, but she does have it push out a bit when she poops. I've heard amazing things about Shepherd's Purse being used for prolapse issues in humans and I was wondering if anyone has used it themselves for their chickens or heard any anecdotal evidence about it being used for poultry. I know they eat the plant, but my seeds won't be planted until fall and I wanted to use the tincture for Fanny. Any thoughts?
I tried ACV, Epsom salts, probiotics etc and nothing completely cleared the vent gleet, though it did help. I eventually put her on a round of antibiotics for a week and the vent gleet is now gone. I think she had an internal infection from the sore she got from being pecked.
Anyway, now to the issue at hand. The prolapse is nearly resolved, she no longer has any tissue hanging out after laying an egg, but she does have it push out a bit when she poops. I've heard amazing things about Shepherd's Purse being used for prolapse issues in humans and I was wondering if anyone has used it themselves for their chickens or heard any anecdotal evidence about it being used for poultry. I know they eat the plant, but my seeds won't be planted until fall and I wanted to use the tincture for Fanny. Any thoughts?