She's acting strange tonight.


Apr 7, 2022
Live Oak, Florida
I've got a dark brahma hen who was fine as if yesterday and even laid an egg yesterday- But tonight I noticed she wasn't perch and found her in acorner on the ground, staying low. With further inspection she's just crawling around and seems to be a little uncoordinated. She wants to perch, but she can't bring herself too. I tried perching her myself but she won't latch on with her feet. She kind of stumbles to side while crawling, I couldn't get a video of her really doing so. I've checked for injuries and to see if she was egg bound, nothing looks out of the ordinary to me.
She's just over a year old if that. Younger girl.

I've stuck her in a nesting box for tonight.
She could have injured herself. Do you have a rooster who might have hurt her mating? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? In the morning could you examine her feet and legs for any green bruising, swelling or bumblefoot scabs on the foot pads? Also not if she seems weak in one leg more than the other. The others could pick on her, so I would watch for that. Think about placing her in a wired dog crate with bedding, close to food and water, for a few days.
She could have injured herself. Do you have a rooster who might have hurt her mating? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? In the morning could you examine her feet and legs for any green bruising, swelling or bumblefoot scabs on the foot pads? Also not if she seems weak in one leg more than the other. The others could pick on her, so I would watch for that. Think about placing her in a wired dog crate with bedding, close to food and water, for a few days.
I mentioned that I checked her for anything abnormal- Checking for bumblefoot or anything ot that sort was one of the first things I did. Nothing of the sort, she's got healthy feet and legs and she doesn't seem sore anywhere.
We haven't had a mature rooster with the hens close to 2 weeks now. (There's like 9-11 hens in that pen).We rehomed the one we had.
(He was a sweet boy. It's just he was a bantam cochin who was too small than what we'd like for a free range flock.)
Only boys are 2, 3½ month old cockerels that are low on the pecking order, they stay to themselves and aren't even crowing yet.
As for Marek's, I'm not sure unless it was done by the farm she came from. I got her along with 2 other hens the same age at 2 months old from a local farm. They get their chicks from hatcheries and raise them up until they're at least 2 months and then sell them.
I'll get something set up for her tomorrow, I'm sure my high and mighty hens will pick on her for sure.

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